High-perform­ance Ther­mo­graphy Soft­ware from InfraTec

The purpose of thermography is to collect temperature measurement data and to analyse and evaluate the results. In addition to our variety of cameras InfraTec offers a wide range of efficient yet easy-to-use programmes for different measurement tasks and requirements.

The focus lies on the following modular software solutions:

Solar Power Tower Check - Software Master Main Display

Auto­ma­tion Soft­ware for 24/​7 Applic­a­tions

This software kit is specially designed for thermography automation solutions from InfraTec. Offering extensive analysis and configuration options, the software can be precisely adapted to the individual requirements of measurement and testing situations and integrated into existing system environments.

Thermographic Software - Software Development Kit (SDK) - Picture credits: © Pexels / sabrina gelbar

Convenient SDK Integ­ra­tion

InfraTec's powerful SDK offers the best prerequisites for convenient integration into existing systems. Moreover, optional connections for the development environments LabVIEW and MATLAB are possible.

Thermal imaging software IRBIS 3 from InfraTec - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / from2015

Compre­hensive Control and Analysis Soft­ware IRBIS® 3

IRBIS® 3 supports the user efficiently in the acquisition and analysis of measurement data with a range of functions that can be adapted to customer requirements analysis. The software enables flexible data export and the creation of meaningful evaluations of the thermography data.

Solar Power Tower Check - Software Master Main Display

Auto­ma­tion Soft­ware for 24/​7 Applic­a­tions

This software kit is specially designed for thermography automation solutions from InfraTec. Offering extensive analysis and configuration options, the software can be precisely adapted to the individual requirements of measurement and testing situations and integrated into existing system environments.

Thermographic Software - Software Development Kit (SDK) - Picture credits: © Pexels / sabrina gelbar

Convenient SDK Integ­ra­tion

InfraTec's powerful SDK offers the best prerequisites for convenient integration into existing systems. Moreover, optional connections for the development environments LabVIEW and MATLAB are possible.

Thermal imaging software IRBIS 3 from InfraTec - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / from2015

Compre­hensive Control and Analysis Soft­ware IRBIS® 3

IRBIS® 3 supports the user efficiently in the acquisition and analysis of measurement data with a range of functions that can be adapted to customer requirements analysis. The software enables flexible data export and the creation of meaningful evaluations of the thermography data.

Ther­mo­graphy Soft­ware IRBIS® 3 in Use

InfraTec Data analysis Difference Image Function
InfraTec Data analysis Difference Image Function

IRBIS® 3 – Intu­itive Control and Analysis Soft­ware

Offering a range of functions that can be adapted to customer needs, the IRBIS® 3 control and analysis software is the ideal tool for efficient measurement data acquisition and analysis as well as the creation of descriptive thermographic evaluations.

Based on continuous and close customer contact, our software developers have made the IRBIS® thermography software an extremely practical and indispensable tool. The targeted data acquisition and comprehensive evaluation options ensure professional results:

Targeted data acquisition and comprehensive evaluation options ensure professional results:

InfraTec software process overview
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Overview

Advant­ages of the IRBIS® 3 Soft­ware

  • Fast and intuitive operation

  • Plug and Play for all InfraTec camera systems

  • Extensive measurement and correction functions

  • Implemented special algorithms, for example for active thermography

  • Various data evaluation and export functions in real time and post-processing

  • Individually configurable range of functions

  • Full software package, no subscription

User-friendly Inter­face

The intuitive user interface of the IRBIS® 3 thermography software is characterised by its comfort and customisation possibilities, so that time-consuming and repetitive training of users is no longer necessary.

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – User Interface

1 Navigation

2 Favorites list

3 Thermogram

4 Diagrams

5 Measured value table


IRBIS® 3 softwares user-oriented structuring ensures an excellent overview of the available functions and enables quick access.

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Menu bar

Menu Bar and Toolbar (Multi-func­tion Bar)

  • Division of the menu bar into clearly arranged editing and function topics

  • Intuitive operation through familiar symbols

Quick Access Bar

  • Bookmarking of the most important functions in the quick access bar without changing menus

  • Already implemented basic functions can be individually extended by users

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Quick Access Bar
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Individual Layout
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Individual Layout

Indi­vidual Layout

  • Individual display area configuration

  • Flexible positioning of the individual display elements

  • Flexible adjustment of window size

  • Effective work due to familiar structure

Familiar Right Click Context Menu

  • Calling up numerous context-sensitive functions via the right mouse button

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Mouse Button

Further Features about Inter­face & Navig­a­tion

Down­load Soft­ware

The latest version of the IRBIS® 3 thermographic software as well as corresponding manuals are available on our Customer Centre. There you can download the material as a registered user.

InfraTec thermography customer center - Picture credits: © iStock.com / Squaredpixels

Control and Acquis­i­tion Soft­ware

Regardless of the respective digital interface of the infrared camera – be it GigE, 10 GigE or CamLink – with the IRBIS® 3 thermography software, all camera functions can be conveniently remotely-controlled from the computer or tablet PC. Digital thermal images are transmitted reliably and directly to the control/evaluation PC in real time at frame rates of up to 105 kHz.

More Advantages of IRBIS® 3 in camera control and data acquisition:

Easy Connec­tion of the Infrared Camera to Work­sta­tion and Note­book

  • Remote control of all camera operating functions via graphical user interface

  • Real-time visualisation and evaluation of the digitally transmitted thermal image

High-speed Data Acquis­i­tion of Thermal Images

  • Time- and temperature-controlled acquisition of raw temperature data at up to 105 kHz

  • Direct data storage with maximum frame rate of the thermal camera directly to the control computer

  • External trigger option, retrigger, multiple signal sequence, pre-trigger, freely definable temperature trigger

Parallel Recording of Data Streams

  • Simultaneous recording of data streams from multiple infrared cameras and visual cameras

  • Additional storage of external digital and analogue data, such as GPS data directly into the thermal image

Insights into the Control and Acquis­i­tion Soft­ware

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Camera Compatibility

Camera Compat­ib­ility

  • Control of all InfraTec camera systems with the IRBIS® 3 software

Remote Control of the Camera Systems

  • Control of camera operating functions, for example via wireless remote control

  • Functions such as motor/autofocus, range selection, image adjustment and optimisation, trigger functions, frame rate and many more are available

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Remote Control

Recording Settings

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Data Acquisition

Data Acquis­i­tion

  • In the recording settings, parameters such as duration, frame rate and trigger options are set

Recording List

  • Efficient control of complex and repetitive recordings

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Acquisition

Further Features about the Control & Acquis­i­tion Soft­ware

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

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It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

Europe & Rest of World
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und MesstechnikGostritzer Straße 61 - 6301217 DresdenGERMANY

Meas­ure­ment & Eval­u­ation

The data evaluation includes all functions with which the generated measurement data are analysed as well as the corrections required for the temperature calculation are determined. Various display forms of diagrams enable optimal and descriptive data analysis and documentation.

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Measurement Options

Meas­ure­ment Options

  • Unlimited number of different measurement functions

  • Input of external analogue data possible

  • Display of temperature maximum and minimum

  • Numerous statistical functions

Temper­ature-time Diagram

  • Enables the evaluation of a temperature-time curve

  • Display of the time chart of the average, minimum and maximum values of the ROI (Region of Interest)

  • Export of data directly to ASCII, CSV or EXCEL

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Temperature-time Diagram
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Emissivity Correction

Live Emissivity Correc­tion

  • Numerous correction models, such as pixel-wise emissivity correction

  • Area-wise or global correction for the entire thermal image

Temper­ature Magni­fier

  • Display of several temperature scales in one image for optimal overview and detailed analyses

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Temperature Magnifier
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Active Thermography

Active Ther­mo­graphy Module

  • Modern and universally usable tool for non-destructive material testing

  • Enables control of excitation sources and camera image acquisition

  • Special analysis methods of active thermography enable wide fields of application and test results that are independent of the degree of emission

Differ­ence Image

  • Allows the subtraction of the temperature values of two thermal images for each pixel position to minimise interferences and better visualise temperature differences

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Difference Image

Further Features about Meas­ure­ment & Eval­u­ation

Eval­u­ation & Present­a­tion

The IRBIS® 3 thermography software enables time-efficient report generation using variable templates. Even large amounts of data can be documented quickly and easily in PDF format. A comprehensive range of evaluation tools enables effortless and convenient processing, analysis and logging of the measurement scenarios.

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Praesentation


  • Copy and paste infrared images, measurement tables, profiles or even entire forms into other programmes for reporting

Monit­oring Temper­ature Thresholds

  • Monitoring of compliance with previously defined maximum and minimum temperatures within a process

  • Alarm signal in case of undercutting or exceeding of the permissible temperatures

InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Temperature Thresholds
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Sharing Data

Sharing Data without Soft­ware Licences

  • The application files (.exe) can be used by third-party users without installed software

  • Comes with full analytical functionality

AVI Gener­ator

  • Automatic export of thermal image series or several single images into AVI video clips

  • Film sequences obtained from the export can be played back in conventional media players

Thermographic Software IRBIS® 3 - AVI Generator
InfraTec Thermography Software IRBIS 3 – Presentation

Convenient Report Gener­a­tion

  • Quick report generation of up to 400 images in user-defined templates at the touch of a button

  • Convenient editing, analysis and logging of measurement scenarios using various analytical tools

Further Features about Eval­u­ation & Present­a­tion

Soft­ware Pack­ages & Upgrade Modules

Depending on the application focus, upgrade modules and packages of different performance levels are available. IRBIS® 3 is compatible with all infrared camera models of the InfraTec range.

Func­tional Scope of the Soft­ware Pack­ages

The IRBIS® 3 software offers three performance levels. IRBIS® 3 plus and IRBIS® 3 professional contain the functions of the previous level and, building on this, additional functions.

InfraTec Software Icon - IRBIS 3

Func­tions of the IRBIS® 3 Ther­mo­graphy Soft­ware

  • Merging visual and infrared image

  • Manual and automatic temperature range selection

  • Temperature profiles along any lines and across any measured areas

  • Automatic indication of maximum and minimum temperature mean value

  • Global and selective correction of emissivity

  • Basic graphic and image-editing functions

  • Integrated Word-based report function

  • Support for infrared camera file formats of InfraTec’s product range

  • Multi-lingual user interface

  • Image improvement through digital filtering

InfraTec Software Icon - IRBIS 3 plus

Func­tions of the IRBIS® 3 plus Ther­mo­graphy Soft­ware

Like IRBIS® 3 and additionally:

  • Editing and analysing thermal image sequences

  • 3D temperature profile display

  • Pre-defined models for emissivity correction

  • Temperature-time-diagram/profile-time-diagram

  • Differential image display and differential spot display

  • Numerous statistics functions, histogram

  • Adoption of GPS coordinates

  • AVI Generator – converting of video sequences

  • Accumulation of recorded thermographic images

InfraTec Software Icon - IRBIS 3 professional

Func­tions of the ther­mo­graphy soft­ware IRBIS® 3 profes­sional

Like IRBIS® 3 plus and additionally:

  • Extended and specific models for correcting emissivity, incl.

  • Automatic correction of emissivity for each pixel

  • Geometric measurement within the thermogram

  • 3D thermographic images and sequences display

  • Expandable for specific experimental setups/SDK

  • Parallel analysis of several thermograms and sequences

  • IRBIS® 3 mosaic, Macro, Sequence and Palette Editor

  • Data export into shareable .exe-file

  • Multiple temperature scales per image

  • Use of several pallets in the thermogram

State­ments of our Customers


Vorwerk has been using a VarioCAM® HD 700 with the IRBIS® 3 analysis software for several years in the development of our high-quality household products - especially the Thermomix. The imaging temperature measurement in combination with the wide range of analysis options support us in better understanding and being able to map thermal processes. In this way, we are able to make the cooking experience for our customers even more user-friendly and further optimize it. We particularly appreciate the collaboration and professional exchange with our partner InfraTec. In order to optimally meet our premium demands on our development and our products in the future, we will continue to rely on the use of thermography.

Dr. Michael Sickert, Head of Serial Support Thermomix and Kobold, Vorwerk SE & Co. KG

We are successfully using a VarioCAM® HDx head 600 to determine heat transfers on the side walls of a highly loaded turbine nozzle guide vane. In addition to the excellent measurement accuracy and the high detector resolution, we were convinced by the comprehensive software package that supports us in post-processing the measurement data. Furthermore, we are very satisfied with the friendly customer support.

Chair of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery (SAM), Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation for more than 15 years. In my laboratory "Technical Diagnostics" at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, me and my students have been able to realise very many interesting projects with several infrared cameras from your portfolio. Starting with the selection of the camera, the introduction to the software program IRBIS® or the fast and profound help in case of problems, we have always been able to experience competent help from the company InfraTec. We certainly don't need to talk about the quality of the products. The total package, i.e. purchase advice, software advice and help and support in case of problems is simply great. Congratulations on the company's anniversary.

Dietrich Schneider, Faculty of Technology, Applied Engineering AIW, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Product Flyer

Get all the information you need at a glance in our product flyers.

InfraTec VarioCAM HD Z industry Flyer