Remote-control­lable Motor Focus for the Cameras of ImageIR® Series

Why Motor Focus?

Motorised precise focusing of the image has been a standard feature of digital cameras and some mobile phones for a long time. Why not for all infrared cameras? Should this function not be automatically included in the scope of delivery?

Motorised microscope mount from InfraTec in use
InfraTec: ImageIR with motor focus function

In particular, with stationary cooled cameras like the ImageIR®, there are measurement situations in which the camera is always set up with a fixed working distance – the focus is never changed, hence, it needn't be motorised. In terms of flexible camera use, however, a motor focus is an important equipment detail that supports efficient working and the recording of the best possible measured data. The ImageIR® camera series offers a further feature that has only been implemented so comprehensively at InfraTec.

Control via IRBIS® online

A highly versatile camera remote control is included in the IRBIS® user interface due to the integrated IRBIS® online functions, through which all ImageIR® motor focus variants are controlled.

Different options are available:

  • Focus forward / focus backward

  • Fine focus forward / fine focus backward

  • Speed regulation standard focus

  • Speed regulation fine focus

  • Autofocus over the entire image scene

  • Autofocus over measuring field (ROI)

  • Absolute focus via direct distance input

  • Focus via saved presets

Through this unique diversity of focusing options, the user can freely decide how he will optimally use the motorised precision focusing of the ImageIR® according to the task involved.


  • In close proximity a particularly fine focus adjustment together with comparably low depth of focus of macroscopic or microscopic images can help to find the precise focus.

  • The focussing speed in terms of a rapid measuring sequence can be important for a moving scene or the thermography of complexly shaped components.

  • If a scene exhibits such an extremely low thermal contrast that the implemented autofocus algorithms cannot focus reliably enough, you can directly establish a previously measured focus distance by entering the absolute values

Different motor focus module variants are available according to lens type and measuring scene. It enables precise, remote-controllable and fast focus.

Over­view of Bene­fits
  • Complete remote control of the focus even over great distances

  • Linear focus (no wobbling)

  • Precise and fast autofocus function 1

  • Absolute focus due to direct input of distance

  • The storage of several focus positions by the user is possible

Further inform­a­tion about camera series ImageIR®

1 Does not apply to the motorised microscopic tripod

Motor Focus Options for the Cameras of the ImageIR® Series

Depending on the measurement task, different technical solutions are recommended for optimum focusing.

Camera-internal Motor Focus Func­tion

This versatile variant permits the use of wide-angle, standard and smaller telephoto lenses. Changing the lens is possible as the lens is moved linearly to the object via the optical interface.

InfraTec glossary about motor focus
Cross section of an internal motor focus
InfraTec glossary motor focus | ©Technical University Dortmund
Measurement setup on a material testing unit in university research ©TU Dortmund

Motor­ised Micro­scopic Tripod

This focus variant is virtually indispensable for the µm precise focusing of the microscope lenses for the ImageIR®. The use of a high-precision longitudinal drive with micro stepping motor is more accurate and mechanically easier. With a step width as small as 0.5 µm, the camera can be moved upwards or downwards. The 8.0× microscopic lens or a SIL lens can be highly accurately focussed this way. This design is supported by an extremely sturdy profile structure that reduces vibration to a minimum.

Benefits at a Glance
  • Highest focusing accuracy and motorised control for precise thermographic examinations

  • Stable and low on vibration, ideal for the use of thermal imaging cameras with photon detectors and microscope lenses

  • Compatible with all macro and microscope lenses from InfraTec, offering high flexibility in choosing the field of view (FOV) for different applications

  • User-defined end positions to prevent collisions and storable focus presets for repeatable measurements and quick switching between different focus positions

  • Supports multi-focus recordings

  • Integrated remote control via the IRBIS® online thermography software for maximum ease of use

Motorised microscope mount from InfraTec
Motorised microscopic tripod for highly precise focus

External Motor Focus Unit

This variant is designed for particularly heavy-duty lenses with 200 mm focal length or for the large-sized SXGA lenses of our ImageIR® top model with HD resolution. In this case, the lenses are fixed on a stable mount, while the focussing procedure is carried out µm precisely with a linear track. The special design with integrated sealing element on the optical interface ensures the complete prevention of interference radiation and offers ideal protection from dust and splash water. Hence, a precise remote-controlled focus is guaranteed between proximity and greater distances, particularly for higher lens focal lengths.

InfraTec glossary motor focus
Motor focus unit 4 as heavy-duty option for especially large and long focal length lenses of the ImageIR® series

Relevant Indus­tries & Applic­a­tions

thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

thermal imaging for automotive applications

Auto­motive Industry

Infrared camera systems help you to secure a high product quality in production and at your suppliers.

thermal imaging in aviation

Aerospace Industry

Comply with highest security demands by applying state-of-the-art infrared camera systems.

All branches and application areas
Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

Europe & Rest of World
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und MesstechnikGostritzer Straße 61 - 6301217 DresdenGERMANY

Further Glossary Items relating to Motor Focus

InfraTec Service - thermography lenses

High‐performance Infrared Lenses

High quality precision lenses allow the adaptation of the image geometry to almost every measuring situation. Its performance parameters are calibrated with respect to functionality, quality and flexible application. Due to proper IR-transparent lens materials and high-precision antireflexion coating, the lenses are optimised for different spectral ranges.

InfraTec glossary - Rotating filter- und aperture wheel

Separate Filter & Aper­ture Wheel – Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

The combination of a separate filter and aperture wheel, allowing a total of 35 freely selectable combinations, is prerequisite for a universal application in measurement tasks with high object temperatures and in the field of spectral thermography. The neutral density filters used for signal attenuation or the combination of spectral filters and apertures reliably prevent interference effects.

InfraTec glossary modules

Modular Concept for Your Flex­ib­ility

The camera can be adapted to all requirements of the user due to modular design of the camera series ImageIR®. This means that a customer-specific thermography system is achieved in every direction. The ImageIR® can also be subsequently retrofitted or upgraded in the event of changing measurement requirements. In this way, maximum investment security is achieved.

InfraTec glossary - ImageIR® mobile wireless camera remote control

Mobile Wire­less Camera Remote Control

Stationary camera systems are usually used PC-controlled. Alternatively, InfraTec offers a solution that makes the operation of the camera system even more versatile. An additional tablet PC is attached to the camera housing, which enables wireless control of all camera functions. The display solution allows access to all functions of the IRBIS® online control and acquisition software, delivered together with the camera.