1. Thermal Imaging
  2. System Solutions
  3. Industrial Automation

Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

The contactless measurement of temperature distributions with thermographic cameras allows efficient and reliable monitoring and control of temperature-critical processes or automatic quality control in the industry. During the technical implementation of tailored automation solutions you benefit from our flexible modules of industrially tested components. This includes thermal imaging cameras of different performance classes, protective casings as well as pan/tilt heads. The digital data of the thermographic camera is distributed via modern data transmission systems. It makes no difference whether you want to document temperature profiles with analysable data or whether you want to control processes directly.

Industrial Automation by InfraTec - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / gerenme

Ther­mo­graphic Auto­ma­tion Solu­tions by InfraTec

Automation InfraTec INDU-SCAN - In-process industrial temperature measurement
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Process Control – INDU-SCAN

Contactless measurement of temperature distributions and profiles with industrial thermographic cameras permits efficient monitoring and control of temperature-dependent processes and procedures within a system-integrated quality assurance programme in industry.

Quality control for more precision in press hardening PRESS-CHECK
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Control or Press Hardening – PRESS-CHECK

Check the microstructures of sheet metal parts during the stamping process and establish a uniform high strength and quality of all produced stampings safely and with a contact-free method.

Quality Assurance for Coating Processes | InfraTec / Picture Credits: © iStock.com / Greppe
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Assurance for the Coating of different Materials | InfraTec

Infrared cameras allow the non-destructive and process-synchronous monitoring of coating processes to ensure that the coatings are free of defects as soon as they are applied.

Solar Power Tower Check - Picture credits: © iStock.com / paulrommer
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Solar Power Tower Check - SPTC

Solar tower power plants belong to the category of solar-thermal power plants whose basic principle relies on the absorption of direct radiation from the sun and its conversion into thermal energy.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic automation brake test bench - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / ktsimage
Non-destructive Testing

High-Speed Rotation Test Bench – TRC

Check for long-life fatigue strength of mechanical components in load tests, using high-end infrared cameras.

Automation InfraTec INDU-SCAN - In-process industrial temperature measurement
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Process Control – INDU-SCAN

Contactless measurement of temperature distributions and profiles with industrial thermographic cameras permits efficient monitoring and control of temperature-dependent processes and procedures within a system-integrated quality assurance programme in industry.

Quality control for more precision in press hardening PRESS-CHECK
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Control or Press Hardening – PRESS-CHECK

Check the microstructures of sheet metal parts during the stamping process and establish a uniform high strength and quality of all produced stampings safely and with a contact-free method.

Quality Assurance for Coating Processes | InfraTec / Picture Credits: © iStock.com / Greppe
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Quality Assurance for the Coating of different Materials | InfraTec

Infrared cameras allow the non-destructive and process-synchronous monitoring of coating processes to ensure that the coatings are free of defects as soon as they are applied.

Solar Power Tower Check - Picture credits: © iStock.com / paulrommer
Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

Solar Power Tower Check - SPTC

Solar tower power plants belong to the category of solar-thermal power plants whose basic principle relies on the absorption of direct radiation from the sun and its conversion into thermal energy.

WELD-CHECK by InfraTec
Non-destructive Testing

Welding Inspec­tion – WELD-CHECK

Using pulse thermography, WELD-CHECK enables you a quantitative assessment of the inspected welds.

Thermographic automation brake test bench - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / ktsimage
Non-destructive Testing

High-Speed Rotation Test Bench – TRC

Check for long-life fatigue strength of mechanical components in load tests, using high-end infrared cameras.

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

Europe & Rest of World
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und MesstechnikGostritzer Straße 61 - 6301217 DresdenGERMANY

Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion: Bene­fits of Using Ther­mo­graphy

  • The infrared testing systems are designed for fixed mount and handheld use.

  • You obtain production-integrated, flexible solutions.

  • Semi or fully automatic operation ensures a high throughput of components. 

  • The complete final inspection of the components is possible.

  • In future you will reliably detect even the smallest defects. 

  • A compensation method developed by InfraTec reduces the environmental interference radiation on reflecting surfaces.

  • With the powerful analysis software you can create evaluation models according to different algorithms.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

InfraTec service

Full Service Package

For more than 30 years InfraTec has been providing comprehensive service in addition to high-end thermographic cameras. For example, you can have your camera recalibrated by us. On the basis of a project analysis, we assist you in the realization of thermographic measurements and tests. In the event of a malfunction, you will receive extensive support from our in-house service department via remote maintenance. Let’s find out, what we can do for you.

InfraTec Service - Technical Support

InfraTec Service – Technical Support

Our Company’s own service department accompanies you even with complex automation solutions far beyond the actual sale. In the event of malfunctions, your enquiry is forwarded directly to the employees via a hotline. By remote maintenance, you will receive an initial diagnosis. Together with you, we analyse the cause of the problem and quickly find a solution.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

Camera protective housing for infrared cameras by InfraTec

Wide Range of Protective Hous­ings

The InfraTec product range includes numerous protective housings. The all-weather and robust metal housings allow the use of the thermal cameras in harsh environments and protect against mechanical stress, dust and splash water. Depending on requirements, users can also choose ATEX-certified protective housings that can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres.

InfraTec camera equipment

InfraTec Thermal Camera Equip­ment

InfraTec offers high-quality accessories for all infrared camera series. This allows users to flexibly adapt their camera to changing test and measurement environments and optimize it for daily indoor and outdoor use. The corresponding components are specially designed for the corresponding model and open up new possibilities – for current applications and new tasks.

Fairs and Trade Shows

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Sensor Division, Thermography


2025-05-06 - 2025-05-08
Nuremberg, Germany

Logo Control


2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Stuttgart, Germany

InfraTec Mitgliedschaften VATH

25 Jahre VATH

2025-04-04 - 2025-04-05

Sensor Division, Thermography


2025-05-06 - 2025-05-08
Nuremberg, Germany

Logo Control


2025-05-06 - 2025-05-09
Stuttgart, Germany

Show all events