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New InfraTec building with inside und outside views
2024-06-12| Company
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New InfraTec Building Complete

State-of-the-art offices and generous production and development areas open up room for innovation

In April 2024, the process of constructing the new extension building at InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik reached its completion after less than two and a half years. The new space provides InfraTec employees with not only generously proportioned, air-conditioned offices, but also the height-adjustable desks and ergonomic office chairs that have become a familiar sight on InfraTec’s premises. Gone are the days of long treks to find a coffee machine or tea shelf – now, each floor features a dedicated hot drinks area alongside the inviting break room. With the new building complete, the process of renovating the offices and other spaces in the existing building is now underway. 

In addition to the new offices, spacious production and development areas for thermography cameras and infrared detectors have been established over a total area of 2700 m².

Significantly more capacity has also been created for radiometric calibration of infrared cameras – the most important step in the process of refining these devices so that they can be used for temperature measurement. Following successful testing, the production department has adopted a newly developed calibration machine with sophisticated, fully automated technology. Its higher throughput, improved accuracy and enhanced technical parameters provide a solid basis for calibrating current and future generations of InfraTec thermography cameras in line with the needs of discerning customers working in research, development and quality assurance. 

Energy Efficiency in Focus
Right from the earliest stages of planning the new building, the focus was on creating an energy-efficient structure aligned with Germany’s KfW55 efficiency standard. With triple-glazing, enhanced heat insulation on the roof and facade, plus a photovoltaic system with an output of 100 kWp supplying the cleanroom with green electricity*, the building now demonstrates outstanding energy credentials. 

A Firm Commitment to Dresden as a Business Hub
Backed by investment to the tune of 20 million euros, the completed building marks InfraTec’s largest construction project to date and clearly illustrates the company’s commitment to Dresden as the home of its headquarters and production activities. InfraTec has been producing and developing its products at the TechnologieZentrumDresden business park location in the south of the city for more than 30 years. Back in 2018, the company purchased property at the location and then significantly extended it to include a new cleanroom and office wing for the sensor technology division over the period leading up to the end of 2020.

The extension work completed during that year marked another milestone in optimising InfraTec’s manufacturing structure and creating more production capacity. In the future, InfraTec will be well placed to respond to the rising demand for infrared cameras and detectors, almost 70% of which it exports worldwide.

* The project has been funded by the Development Bank of Saxony (Sächsische Aufbaubank) through its funding programme aimed at improving regional economic structures.