of the highest geometric resolution commercially available at this time.
This brand new product line VarioVIEWTM of the exclusively represented manufacturer JENOPTIK Laser, Optik, Systeme GmbH combines a high-resolution infrared imager with an eye-safe and hardly detectable laser distance meter.
A microbolometer detector of a geometric resolution of 640 x 480 pixels guarantees, in conjunction with a highly precise, light-intense 150 mm lens, excellent ranges in object detection, recognition and identification. The VarioVIEWTM permits to discover people within a range of up to 5 km and vehicles up to 7 km. The laser distance meter works at 1,550 nm and is able to measure distances of up to 5 km most precisely.
Further outstanding technical features of the VarioVIEWTM are both its fast infrared image frequency of 30 Hz and its high thermal resolution (< 70 mK). The high-resolution OLED binocular view finder allows for fatigue-free observation.
The easily portable thermal image system VarioVIEWTM also distinguishes itself by robust design and intuitive handling. Weighing less than 3 kg and staying operable for more than five hours without having to change the rechargeable battery, it is particularly suited for mobile application, such as border observation or in the security service.
Get further information about infrared imagers by InfraTec