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Press Releases of InfraTec

Read InfraTec press releases and get the latest news about our thermal imaging cameras, pyroelectric detectors and infrared technology.

  • Company building InfraTec GmbH
    A new direct distribution for European customers
    Since February 17th, 2014, InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik offers a direct distribution for pyroelectric infrared detectors to its European customers.

    Since February 17th, 2014, InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik offers a direct distribution for pyroelectric infrared detectors to its European customers.

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  • InfraTec Fabry-Pérot detector
    InfraTec’s microspectrometer detector with ASIC-control now available
    InfraTec is pleased to introduce a new exciting generation of detectors with integrated tunable Fabry-Pérot (FP) filter.

    The new generation of detectors now features closed loop control driven by an integrated ASIC and EEPROM.

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  • InfraTec Catalog of Pyroelectric Detectors
    The new InfraTec Catalog of Pyroelectric Detectors now available
    The new catalog edition for the sensor division will be available at the end of November.

    The new catalog edition for the sensor division will be available at the end of November.

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  • Fabry-Perot Detector wins SENSORS EXPO Best of Show Gold Award
    InfraTec's Fabry-Perot Detector wins SENSORS EXPO “Best of Show” Gold Award
    Judges from SENSOR e-Magazine and the SENSORS EXPO staff awarded InfraTec GmbH the Gold Award for excellence in design innovation and ease of use in the Sensor Component category.

    Held every year in June at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center near Chicago’s O’Hare airport, SENSORS EXPO brings together a wide selection of exhibitors representing manufacturers of wireless, pressure, gas, flow meters and other related technologies. This year’s awards went to Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mentioned awards in the areas of Sensor, Sensor Components, Technologies and Data Acquisition.

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  • InfraTec's Fabry-Perot Detector wins PRISM AWARD
    InfraTec's Fabry-Perot Detector wins PRISM AWARD
    On January 27, 2010 InfraTec was awarded one of the Prism Award at SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco, the biggest conference and fair for optical technologies.

    The PRISM AWARD is given in 9 categories and recognizes the best innovations in the field of optical and photonic technologies and products.

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