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Newsletter from InfraTec

Infrared Reflex­ions

Find out about the latest innovations and further developments in the field of infrared thermography. More than 5,000 users around the world already rely on innovative quality products by InfraTec

ImageIR from InfraTec - Individuality
Camera Series ImageIR®

The Usual Way? We Don't Want That!

With the cameras in our ImageIR® series, we provide our customers and partners with precisely the thermographic system that delivers the best results for their measurement and inspection tasks. For this reason, all infrared cameras in this series have a modular design. This means that each model can be configured according to the user's requirements.

Infrared camera ImageIR® 12300 from InfraTec
ImageIR® 12300

A New Level of Detail

The new ImageIR® 12300 from InfraTec is the radiometrically calibrated infrared camera with the world's highest commercially available native resolution of 5.2 megapixels. With the powerful top model of our ImageIR® series, very fine structures on large-area measurement objects can be resolved with unrivalled detail.

Infrared camera ImageIR 6300 from InfraTec / pircture credits iStock Olga Kostrova
ImageIR® 6300

MWIR Infrared Camera for Continuous Operation

The ImageIR® 6300 enables entry into the device class of infrared cameras with cooled photon detectors. This camera offers users enormous performance advantages at a very good price-performance ratio. Due to state-of-the-art SWaP technology and a robust, very compact design, this camera is ideally suited for demanding OEM and continuous operation applications.

SWIR infrared cameras ImageIR® 9100 with 100 mm telephoto lens
ImageIR® 8100 / ImageIR® 9100

The View Into Distance: 100 mm Telephoto Lens

In order to create an even wider field of application for the SWIR cameras ImageIR® 8100 and ImageIR® 9100, the lenses portfolio for these two infrared cameras has been expanded to include a 100 mm telephoto lens. This enables both system cameras to capture objects at great distances in detail and measure temperatures.

TarisIR® mini

When Size Matters!

Our compact, radiometrically calibrated TarisIR® mini infrared camera enables entry into stationary thermal imaging at an excellent price-performance ratio.

In continuous operation, it provides reliable and position-independent thermographic real-time image data with up to 50 Hz full-frame frequency. Due to measurement in the long-wave atmospheric window of (8 ... 14) µm, TarisIR® mini is also ideally suited for outdoor monitoring.

InfraTec product range of infrared cameras
Camera Portfolio

We have Recategorised!

InfraTec's camera portfolio grows from year to year and the variety of possible applications increases with each new infrared camera. To give you an immediate overview of which camera could be suitable for your application, we would like to introduce you to our updated product categories.

InfraTec FIRE-SCAN: Do Not Let Anything Burn
Fire Preven­tion - FIRE-SCAN

Avoid Fire Sources!

Based on a tried-and-tested modular system, we offer individually configurable system solutions that are tailored precisely to your requirements. One of these system solutions for object and warehouse monitoring is FIRE-SCAN, e.g. for the production and storage of Li-ion batteries.

Develop thermography further as a measuring solution
Optimisation of Technologies

Further Development of Thermographic Measurement Methods

As a partner of national and international universities, research institutes and companies from various sectors, we are involved in numerous research projects. The knowledge gained from these projects drives us forward effectively and purposefully in the continuous optimisation of our technologies.

InfraTec Service

Our Service – Your Benefit

InfraTec does not just sell thermography systems. We support you from the initial consultation all the way to the right product and its use. With our warranty services and 24-hour hotline, we are always here to help you.

InfraTec thermography - High temperature: airbag unfolding
Case Studies

Measuring and Testing with Thermography

Renowned companies from all industries around the world trust in InfraTec products. Get to know our thermography systems even better and find out first-hand how our solutions are used in practice.

We Live Ther­mo­graphy – Online Events, Seminars and Trade Fairs

Knowledge is the basis of progress and advancement. Acquiring knowledge creates new ways of accomplishing tasks and meeting challenges with even greater success.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

InfraTec Trade Shows & Conferences - Trade Show Booth

Meet us at the Following Trade Shows

Experience the high measurement quality of our products on-site at our trade show booth. We cordially invite you to be our guest at the following trade shows.

Thermography trainings

Training of your Employees

In our training centre in Dresden, you can attend practical thermography training courses. After the transfer of the turnkey system, upon request qualified employees of our service team will introduce you step by step to your automation solution and instruct future users on your premises.

InfraTec Trade Shows & Conferences - Trade Show Booth

Meet us at the Following Trade Shows

Experience the high measurement quality of our products on-site at our trade show booth. We cordially invite you to be our guest at the following trade shows.